What To Expect At A Show
Access and FacilitiesWhat To Expect At A Show
There are lots of different ways to get to Woolwich Works - visit our How To Get Here page for more information.
When you arrive for a show at Woolwich Works, you'll enter through our main doors and will usually be greeted by a member of our team. You can usually spot them by their colourful lanyards.
There are signs to show you where you can go in the building and how to get to the performance space your show is in - some of these will be hung from the ceiling, and some will be on the wall. Signs on the wall are also braille and tactile wayfinding systems.
If you're not sure where to go, ask a member of our team who'll be happy to help.

During A Show
With most shows at Woolwich Works, you're welcome to pop out to get a drink from the bar or use the toilets.
During some moments of shows, our team may hold you from entering the space or going to your seat for a few moments so as not to disturb other audience members or the performers. This won't be for long though, and they'll let you know when you can go back to your seat.
Often shows have intervals - where we know this in advance you'll see the approximate timings in the Event Info section on the show's webpage. This is the perfect time to grab a drink or snack and use the facilities.
Where we know the approximate running time of a show, you'll see this in the Event Info section on the show's webpage.
We'll also add additional information like any content guidance, latecomers policy and rules around audience photography.
If there are themes or subject matter you're concerned about seeing in a show, contact our team before you book at tickets@woolwich.works or 020 8035 8835.
After A Show
When the show has finished, if the bar is still open you're welcome to stay for a drink and enjoy the space, or you can exit the way you entered. Our team will be on hand to direct you where you need to go.
When leaving the building, please consider and respect our neighbours when walking through the area.
We'd love to see you again after your visit, so do check out our What's On page to book tickets for your next show!