Accessible Shows

Some of our programme may include certain assisted formats such as:

  • BSL Interpretation/Signed performances have a signer on stage describing the performance.
  • Captioned performances for D/deaf, deafened or hard of hearing audiences, with a screen on stage showing text relaying speech and describing the performance.
  • Audio-described performances for blind and visually impaired people, giving additional commentary on the action and visuals on stage, with headsets provided for those using the service.
  • Relaxed performances for visitors who may require a more flexible experience and environment, with free movement in and out of the theatre. These performances often contain reduced lighting and other effects, designed for anyone with an autistic spectrum condition, sensory or communication disorders and learning disabilities.
  • Chilled performances are similar to Relaxed performances with the same flexible experience and environment, but no changes are made to the show itself.

Strobe lighting is rarely used in our performances. Should an event feature strobe lighting, this information is available on the show's webpage and displayed at the auditorium entrance.

To find out when we will be putting on accessible shows, please join our mailing list or check out the accessible show categories on the What's On page.