List of Events

  1. SFX Makeup Workshop

    Learn special effects makeup with a top professional.

  2. Woolwich Carnival Making Workshop

    A free drop-in workshop making decorations for Woolwich Carnival.

  3. Songbook Summer Camp - Queer Theatre

    Learn how to make theatre as a queer artist.

  4. Puppetry Workshop

    An opportunity to delve into the exciting world of puppetry with the award-winning Flabbergast Theatre!

  5. Bollywood Dance Day

    Join us for a Bollywood-inspired dance-fitness class

  6. Graphic Scores Music Workshop

    Explore works using graphic notation with Riot Ensemble.

  7. Screenprinting Workshop -'You Wish You Were Here'

    Have fun documenting your summer by screenprinting!

  8. Songbook Summer Camp - Drag King Masterclass

    Find the drag persona you have been wanting to unleash!

  9. Song-in-a-Day

    Produce a song from start to finish, all in one day!

  10. Tiny Treasures

    Create memories, friendship and keepsakes with your baby.

  11. Songbook Summer Camp - Dance and Movement

    A one-to-one session exploring choreography of movement and performance.